Training with compassionate Knowledge

Choose To Train Humane Canine Behavior Experts

Work with award-winning author and trainer Annie Phenix. She helps with all behavioral concerns and never uses force, fear, pain, or intimidation.

Category: Uncategorized

  • 5 Tips for Engaging Your Dog’s Impressive Mind

    Does your smart dog get bored? Then keep him busy — and out of trouble — with fun activities such as nose work and simple play. Congratulations! You have a new furry friend in your home. Within a few days or weeks of your dog adjusting to his new life, you may start to notice that…

  • How Can I Stop My Dog’™s Inappropriate Peeing?

    I recently received a question from a reader: My 16-month-old Standard Poodle, Ellie, has a problem. She is a certified therapy dog who has worked in nursing homes and also works with children in a reading program at a local library. With that said, Ellie piddles when my daughter (who happens to be a vet tech)…

  • How Can I Stop My Dog’s Inappropriate Peeing?

    I recently received a question from a reader: My 16-month-old Standard Poodle, Ellie, has a problem. She is a certified therapy dog who has worked in nursing homes and also works with children in a reading program at a local library. With that said, Ellie piddles when my daughter (who happens to be a vet tech)…

  • Dogs and Wildlife Don’™t Mix

    This article first  appeared as a Colorado Parks & Wildlife Press Release on December 23, 2015. We live in a visual candyland here in Colorado, and dog owners love nothing more than getting out into the natural beauty with their dogs. What’™s wrong with that? On the surface, it’™s a great thing to get exercise for…

  • Dogs and Wildlife Don’t Mix

    This article first  appeared as a Colorado Parks & Wildlife Press Release on December 23, 2015. We live in a visual candyland here in Colorado, and dog owners love nothing more than getting out into the natural beauty with their dogs. What’s wrong with that? On the surface, it’s a great thing to get exercise for…

  • Are You Training a Puppy? Read ‘œThe Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog’

    Dr. Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s book is about traumatized children, but it offers valuable lessons that will help you raise a well-adjusted dog. It’™s hard to find books these days that keep me up until I have finished the last word. Perhaps I am too picky, as a writer myself? In any case, I have…

  • Are You Training a Puppy? Read “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog”

    Dr. Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s book is about traumatized children, but it offers valuable lessons that will help you raise a well-adjusted dog. It’s hard to find books these days that keep me up until I have finished the last word. Perhaps I am too picky, as a writer myself? In any case, I have…

  • Ask a Trainer: How Can I Fix My Dog’™s Severe Separation Anxiety?

    I recently received a question from a reader: Please help! I’™ve just adopted a darling dog I already love so much, but she has severe separation anxiety and has jumped out of windows when left alone, and she destroys my house. She has recently started lunging at dogs on leash, as well. I am worried…

  • Ask a Trainer: How Can I Fix My Dog’s Severe Separation Anxiety?

    I recently received a question from a reader: Please help! I’ve just adopted a darling dog I already love so much, but she has severe separation anxiety and has jumped out of windows when left alone, and she destroys my house. She has recently started lunging at dogs on leash, as well. I am worried…