Training with compassionate Knowledge

Phenix Dogs Canine Behavior Experts

Read more about Annie’s work with dogs in the blog posts below.

  • Does Your Dog Jump Up? Teach Him to Sit Instead

    Since a dog cannot sit and jump at the same time, teaching this command solves a common problem. One of the most common reasons for pet parents to call a trainer is because their dog jumps up on people. Often I find that clients have been inadvertently reinforcing the “jump up” by yelling at the dog or even…

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  • How Can I Stop My Dog From Going Crazy at the Front Door?

    Dogster resident trainer Annie Phenix shares tips for teaching dogs to sit calmly and not bark at arriving guests. Help! My Golden Retriever is perfect in every way but one: She goes bananas whenever anyone comes to our front door. She is never aggressive, but she gets frenzied and jumps all over our guests in…

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  • Petition Calls for Cesar Millan to Lose His TV Show ‘” Let’™s All Sign It!

    In a recent episode of “Cesar 911,” the TV personality used one of his own pets as bait for an aggressive dog who had killed pigs in the past. Both the pig and the dog suffered. As a professional trainer and someone who deeply loves animals, I have never enjoyed watching Cesar Millan handle dogs.…

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  • Petition Calls for Cesar Millan to Lose His TV Show — Let’s All Sign It!

    In a recent episode of “Cesar 911,” the TV personality used one of his own pets as bait for an aggressive dog who had killed pigs in the past. Both the pig and the dog suffered. As a professional trainer and someone who deeply loves animals, I have never enjoyed watching Cesar Millan handle dogs.…

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  • How to Help Your Dog Love Being On Leash

    A leash should be a sign of fun things to come, and it can be if you follow these four tips.   What is the one training tool every dog owner eventually uses? A leash. We also need leashes to keep dogs and humans safe. However, not all dogs understand what a leash is or how we…

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  • 5 Reasons Your Dog Still Pulls When Walking on a Leash

    If your dog hasn’t mastered a relaxed walk at your side, you may have made one of these five mistakes. One of the most common reasons dog owners contact trainers is for help with walking their dogs on leash. Dogs pull for a variety of reasons — one being the fact that they have two more legs…

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  • 5 Tips for Engaging Your Dog’™s Impressive Mind

    Does your smart dog get bored? Then keep him busy ‘” and out of trouble ‘” with fun activities such as nose work and simple play. Congratulations! You have a new furry friend in your home. Within a few days or weeks of your dog adjusting to his new life, you may start to notice that…

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  • 5 Tips for Engaging Your Dog’s Impressive Mind

    Does your smart dog get bored? Then keep him busy — and out of trouble — with fun activities such as nose work and simple play. Congratulations! You have a new furry friend in your home. Within a few days or weeks of your dog adjusting to his new life, you may start to notice that…

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  • How Can I Stop My Dog’™s Inappropriate Peeing?

    I recently received a question from a reader: My 16-month-old Standard Poodle, Ellie, has a problem. She is a certified therapy dog who has worked in nursing homes and also works with children in a reading program at a local library. With that said, Ellie piddles when my daughter (who happens to be a vet tech)…

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