
Training with compassionate Knowledge

Phenix Dogs Canine Behavior Experts

Read more about Annie’s work with dogs in the blog posts below.

  • Are You Training a Puppy? Read ‘œThe Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog’

    Dr. Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s book is about traumatized children, but it offers valuable lessons that will help you raise a well-adjusted dog. It’™s hard to find books these days that keep me up until I have finished the last word. Perhaps I am too picky, as a writer myself? In any case, I have…

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  • Are You Training a Puppy? Read “The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog”

    Dr. Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz’s book is about traumatized children, but it offers valuable lessons that will help you raise a well-adjusted dog. It’s hard to find books these days that keep me up until I have finished the last word. Perhaps I am too picky, as a writer myself? In any case, I have…

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  • How to Prepare Your Dog for Holiday Guests

    If your dog will be around holiday visitors, follow this advice from Dogster resident trainer Annie Phenix on acclimating him now. The holiday season is upon us — and by “us,” I mean both our human and our canine families. Dogs are affected by changes in their environments, and from October through the new year, dogs…

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  • Ask the Trainer: How Can I Stop My Dog from Barking in the Car?

    If your dog barks her head off during rides in the car, you have two training options for keeping her calm and quiet. A client recently asked me this question: I love my sweet Doberman mix, but he has one annoying habit: He barks his head off in the car. Is here anything I can do…

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  • Ask a Trainer: How Can I Get My Dog to Stop Licking Me?

    I recently received a question from a reader: My dog is perfect except for one problem: He’s constantly licking my hands and tries to lick my face. How can I convince him to stop doing this? Thanks! Jason, Tampa, FL Dear Jason, Thanks for you question, I find it salivating! Oh, sorry. The English major…

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  • Ask a Trainer: How Can I Fix My Dog’™s Severe Separation Anxiety?

    I recently received a question from a reader: Please help! I’™ve just adopted a darling dog I already love so much, but she has severe separation anxiety and has jumped out of windows when left alone, and she destroys my house. She has recently started lunging at dogs on leash, as well. I am worried…

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  • Ask a Trainer: How Can I Fix My Dog’s Severe Separation Anxiety?

    I recently received a question from a reader: Please help! I’ve just adopted a darling dog I already love so much, but she has severe separation anxiety and has jumped out of windows when left alone, and she destroys my house. She has recently started lunging at dogs on leash, as well. I am worried…

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  • How to Use Food to Motivate Your Dog During Training

    Here’s a question I recently received from a reader: I want to start training my older dog to do dog sports. I think she would enjoy it — and so would I — because she loves to run and jump and try new things. The problem is that she doesn’t seem to care about food…

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  • Is My Dog Trying to Dominate by Going Out the Door First?

    Here’s a question I recently received from a reader: I have a new, very large German Shepherd I recently adopted. He’s great in every way, but he does rush out the door in front of me. I have read that this is a sign of dominance. Is that true? How do I get him to…

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